Sunday, August 30, 2020

Distracted Pre-Flight Preparation and Checks.

Distracted Pre-Flight Preparation and Checks.

In early May an intermediate rated mini wing pilot hiked the POM North Side to the lower launch by the windsock.  Winds were strong.  The pilot put the wing in a rosette intending to walk down from the saddle to a lower section of the side-hill. The wind inflated the glider ripping it from his hands.   As the glider inflated the pilot noticed that his risers were twisted.  Due to a lot of practice ground handling the pilot was able to untwist the risers just before he was plucked from the ground.  

In this case the pilot’s preflight was distracted/interrupted by the strong wind conditions.  Obviously, anything including strong winds that interrupt your preflight checks increases your risk. 

Regardless the size of glider, launching in strong winds is an advanced skill that even advanced pilots avoid when possible.  In this case the pilot was intermediate and accepted risks avoided by some advanced pilots. 

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