Wednesday, December 13, 2017

South Side Student Side Hill Non Injury

A student soaring late in the morning suffered a small wing tip deflation on the side closest to the hill.  The instructor called for opposite brake but the student who had never demonstrated left - right confusion pulled the wrong brake and turned toward the hill. He was uninjured.

PPG Accident South Side

A visiting pilot launched a paramotor very late in the morning when everyone else had stopped flying. The pilot then flew to the top of the South Side. Video shows the pilot aimed downwind at the power lines on the east end of the hill ( east - west power lines ) when the pilot makes a brake input so excessive that the glider spins almost immediately and he crash lands a moment later. His injuries were considerable. It's no wonder that the pilot was alarmed and gave a huge input. Ground speed was likely in the 40 mph range. Even emergency turns should be developed smoothly and then finished more deliberately. The error is often in making a gigantic input first. Usually, looking where you want to go is the first step. After that, some weight shift, progressive brake followed by delibarate correction happen more naturally. This is incentive to consciously develop turns on a daily basis. Look, lean, gentle brake, let the turn develop and then turn the glider as needed.

We know that the pilot reached out to a local for information about the area but didn't manage to link up with a site guide. That would have been key.

Deflation on Speed Bar Central Utah Non Injury

A pilot flying an intermediate glider was on speed bar at a few hundred feet and suffered a large deflation. The glider did not recover before landing. The pilot deployed the reserve but it did not open in time. Pilots are reminded not to push speed bar when low. Also, the decision to throw the reserve was a good one. On a different day or a bit higher, it may have opened. There is no such thing as too low.

HG and PG Ground Collision South Side

A hang glider top landing toward the west end of the hill hit a kiting paraglider during landing. The paraglider suffered a shoulder injury. The hang glider top landed near the kiting paraglider due to crowding. Object fixation may have been a factor.

Mid Air South Side PG ( Mid Air )

Two students were on approach to landing when they were involved in a mid air. Both suffered injuries.