Monday, August 20, 2012

Spiral Mis Manage North Side Reserve Deployment Non Injury

Quote from pilot:

"Paraglider malfunction and reserve parachute ride.  wing: Nova Factor 2 (small), reserve parachute: Gin Yeti 40m,  This malfunction was a result of pilot error and could have been prevented by making one more slow turn to bleed off speed or more input on the brakes before the wing came out front."


Other contributing factors were that the pilot was on his first test flight on this higher category of glider and he was experimenting with maneuvers. Despite the abrupt spiral exit, he also would have been advised to exercise more brake as the glider surged out in front. Finally, the pilot was apparently in a semi reasonable position for maneuvering as he did not land on anything under reserve. Still a position slightly more south/southwest would have been better from the standpoint of being away from people and obstacles.

Finally, it should be noted that the pilot would have been well advised to carve the glider back in the original  direction of the turn even after he had exited abruptly. This is the best way to dissipate the energy even if it is characteristically "late in the game." To be clear, he could have carved back into it even after the glider was behind him and about to race out in front.

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